Cortina Fina Térmica Lilou Branco MC720


A cortina fina térmica Moondream é uma solução estética e prática que lhe permite isolar o interior da sua casa do calor e dos olhares indiscretos, não deixando de aproveitar a luz.

140 x 240 (LxA)

Weight per unit: 1 kg

A cortina fina térmica Moondream é uma solução estética e prática que lhe permite isolar o interior da sua casa do calor e dos olhares indiscretos, não deixando de aproveitar a luz.
A cortina fina térmica Moondream é revestida pelo forro térmico Bi-Cool by Moondream, uma solução técnica e prática que lhe permite transformar as suas cortinas finas isolando contra o calor e o frio.

Resultados dos testes em laboratório: no teste "verão", até 4 °C a menos, e, no teste "inverno", até 46% de poupança de aquecimento.
Relatório de ensaio n.º PE266 do gabinete de estudos ENVEHO de 29 de maio de 2012

Tecido produzido sem quaisquer substâncias nocivas.

Ficha informativa

Isolamento Térmico
Cold & Heat
Opacidade / Blackout
Ligeiramente escurecida
Frente de tecido : 100% Poliéster / Forro térmico : 99,97% Poliéster + 0,03% Alumínio
REACH: Produced in conformity with the regulations of the European Union
Parte superior reforçada sem piqué, parte inferior com acabamento em ponto de luva.
Diâmetro das ilhoses
40 mm
A cor da frente da cortina é diferente da da parte de trás (metálica)
Lavável à máquina a 30 °C (lavagem delicada) - Máximo encolhimento após lavagem: 3%
1 cortina fina térmica

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Chris R

Look great

Reino Unido - 2022-12-18

These hang very nicely, even though the fabric seems lightweight. We're very pleased with them.As to thermal performance, we've no actual hard data to prove it, but we both feel the room is warmer than it was with the previous curtains.So, they look great, and seem to keep the room warmer.

clélia o

Robuste et gain de degrés en hiver

França - 2022-09-10

SolideEfficaceBelle couleurPrix un peu cher mais de qualité

Marie Dominique D

Un indispensable

França - 2022-09-08

quand on a de grandes baies vitrées exposées plein est et sud-ouest comme chez moi ! Utilisés en superposition à l'extérieur, ils permettent de garder les vitres froides et un intérieur plus frais.

Yveline C

pour faire face à la pénurie énergétique

França - 2022-09-08

simple efficace

j. w


Holanda - 2022-08-09

It's easy to sew the bi-cool curtains to the existing curtains. I already can feel the results: it's 5 degrees cooler now with this summer heats. I will recommend this to everyone. So I hope I will be that enthousiast in winter, when it keeps the warm inside.

Gianni Massimo S


Itália - 2022-07-13

Funziona! In casa molto meno caldo... I miei cani e gatti ringraziano



França - 2022-03-06

Protége vraiment du soleil et de sa chaleur, quelques degrés en moins pour pouvoir dormir le soir

Cristina D

Thermovorhang 4 in 1

Alemanha - 2021-05-13

Die Qualität ist gut aber das Material ist nicht sehr hübsch... Trotzdem werde ich es behalten weil meine Fenstern sind nicht richtig dicht... Für den Preis habe ich ein anderes look erwartet...


Voilage thermique

Reviewed on 2021-03-06

Super déçue du système d’attache, ça ne tient pas trois minutes, toute ma doublure a été abîmée par la colle du Velcro des la première pose. Il faut coudre le voile aux rideaux. Je pense qu’une fois cousu c’est extrêmement efficace.

Annick C


França - 2020-06-07

Produit bluffant. Une doublure légère, le scratch parfait, depuis 1 mois j'ai pu constater l'efficacité. Je dirai 4 degrés en moins. Le produit que j'attendais.

Gerd J

Sehr schöner Vorhang!!

Alemanha - 2020-05-28

Optisch sieht der Vorhang sehr schön aus. Da meine Loggia sich durch die Glasfront ständig extrem aufheizt und auch die gesamte Wohnung, habe ich mir den Vorhang gegönnt. In der Loggia sind es momentan ca. 40° und im Wohnzimmer hinter dem Vorhang ca. 22°-23°. Mit einem Temperaturunterschied von 17°-18° hätte ich vorher nicht mit gerechnet.

alain t

bande collante inefficace

França - 2019-07-02

la bande autocollante n'a pas tenu sur le rideau et s'est collée à la doublure

Laurence H

Love them

Reino Unido - 2019-03-21

Love them, appropriate for the dining room in the back of the house.

Lydie O

Excellent quality

Reino Unido - 2019-03-21

Excellent quality

Maria S

So nice

Reino Unido - 2018-12-19

This was for my daughter and they are so nice the material the color everything about it

Ida P

100% effective

Reino Unido - 2018-11-09

Third set I'm buying....first I bought for myself, than for my mom and and now for a friend's new apartment. Superior quality, lightweight and easy to manage and really pretty on the wall. Most importantly, the thermal and blackout fabric is 100% effective.

HingMan L

I love

Reino Unido - 2018-09-10

I love the moon dream curtains so much. Great quality. I will purchase the curtains in the futher. :)

Erin A

Moondream is unmatched quality for the price

Reino Unido - 2018-08-14

I will never buy any other curtain brand again. Moon dream is unmatched quality for the price.

Axelle K

Système à scratch horrible

França - 2018-07-11

La doublure est peut-être efficace,mais le système à scratch est horrible. La bande autocollante ne tient pas sur mon rideau, elle s'est décollée se posant de accidentellement sur la doublure. En conséquence ma doublure est détériorée. Je vais devoir trouver une autre solution.

Margaret C

Truly meets expectation

Reino Unido - 2018-01-28

Love the quality and weight of these. Truly meets expectation for keeping heat in where we have drafty windows!

Jim M

Great quality

Reino Unido - 2017-12-31

We have punched curtains several times and the quality has always been great and the product works like it is supposed to. Would not buy any other brand curtains.

Carole C

Très satisfaite

França - 2017-11-17

J'ai choisi cette couleur grâce aux échantillons demandés au service client. Je suis très satisfaite également car je ne sens plus le froid renvoyé par ma fenêtre. Même si cela ne remplace pas une fenêtre bien isolée, on gagne en confort, je recommande.

Aldo M

Nice curtains

Reino Unido - 2017-10-20

Nice curtains. My only observation it's that I think the curtains runs a little short on the wide measuring, so take precautions.

Audrey J

Efficace !

França - 2017-07-07

Je les ai acheté pour mes trois grandes fenêtres situées plein sud-ouest dans l'espoir de survivre à la canicule et surtout à ce soleil de plomb. Et bien, j'en suis ravie et je ne regrette nullement mon achat.

Maria S


Reino Unido - 2017-07-04

My room looks so nice and the temperature its much better thank you for your work of art

Pauline B


França - 2017-06-09

Bonjour , je laisse cet avis car je me suis basée sur les autres et ca mérite un tres bon avis . Les rideaux sont trés performant , ayant une grande baie vitrée plein sud j'ai gagné au moins 4degrés et surtout j economise ma climatisation . Bravo pour cette inovation BARET Pauline

Michele D

Excellent product

Reino Unido - 2017-04-16

Excellent product. 100% blackout of light.

Sherri D

Strongly recommend!

Reino Unido - 2017-02-26

Strongly recommend!

Martine C


França - 2017-02-07

je suis enchantée de mes rideaux, les différences de température en hiver et en été sont impressionnantes

Sabine B


Holanda - 2017-01-13

Thank you!! I am really satisfied with the result, it was very easy to stick it to the existing curtain and already think the result is amazing!!!

James S

Would highly recommend them!

Reino Unido - 2016-12-29

This is the third set of drapes that I have purchased. I love how easy it is to open and close the drapes using the metal grommets. The drapes have a high quality look and feel. I think they do a good job of blocking out sunlight and heat.

Lacy F

Great product

Reino Unido - 2016-12-09

I just put up my moondream winter liners, and I already love them! The Velcro makes it so easy to apply to my curtains. Quick and easy. This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for, for my sliders in my dining room.

Bartolomeo V

Great product

Alemanha - 2016-11-10

The curtains look very nice, they fit perfectly in our room. Moreover, they are really effective in keeping the warmth in the room. We have tested them during cold days already. No need to turn the heating on!

Mary M

Very well

Reino Unido - 2016-11-08

I purchased just the liners and they seem to be working very well.

Corinne S

Top !

França - 2016-10-07

Hyper efficace ! Style supérieur à ce qu'on peut attendre à ce prix. L'arrivée de modèles haut de gamme est une bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui veulent allier style et efficacité ! Pour moi, je voulais efficace élégant tout en étant simple, donc c'est parfait !

Mariejo W

Doublure themique été

França - 2016-09-14

Vraiment efficace ! en plus cette doublure est légère comme une plume et laisse passer la lumière dans la pièce mais pas la canicule. Très bon produit.

Laureen T

Great product

Reino Unido - 2016-08-06

Great product and service again

Gary C

Work well

Reino Unido - 2016-05-18

Seem to work well.

Colleen W


Reino Unido - 2016-04-25

Perfect in every way except I wish they were machine washable. But, I still love them. The curtains truly block out the Arizona sun, which is a big task. True to size, color and description.

Sheila W

Very happy

Reino Unido - 2016-04-01

Drape is beautiful and even heavier than I expected. Very happy with the product.

Frank B

Easy ordering

Reino Unido - 2016-03-22

Easy ordering, simple, classic design and fantastic light blocking material.

Laurel R

I have confidence

Reino Unido - 2016-03-22

Not sure yet. We don't have winter draft issues, but we do have heat issues in the summer. But based on how well the drapes are working, I have confidence the liner will do its job too.

Kristen W

Very happy

Reino Unido - 2015-10-21

I have had the winter thermal linings for the curtains for about three weeks. When they first came, my spouse and I were concerned because the curtains are so thin, however, since we have had them I have noticed a significant difference in the temperature of our house! It feels so much warmer with no drafty cold air! I am very excited to see how they work mid-winter! Very happy with our purchase.

Lynne M

above her expectations

Reino Unido - 2015-08-06

Curtains. I bought the Black out Thermal curtains for my daughter, a daytime sleeper. She absolutely loves them. They are above her expectations. I had ordered the wrong ones first and everyone was so helpful in making the correct purchase easy and trouble free.

Jim M

They worked wonderfully

Reino Unido - 2015-07-23

Was a little skeptical when they came. Looked pretty thin to keep out the cold. They worked wonderfully. Wish they had smaller lengths.

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Cortina Fina Térmica Lilou Branco MC720

Cortina Fina Térmica Lilou Branco MC720

A cortina fina térmica Moondream é uma solução estética e prática que lhe permite isolar o interior da sua casa do calor e dos olhares indiscretos, não deixando de aproveitar a luz.

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